by Brittany Pickrem | Apr 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
As brand expert, and business owner, I’m always thinking about branding, and how it can best serve and support businesses, especially during extraordinary times. Now, I know what you might be thinking. “C’mon Brittany. I just want to bake some bread, learn a...
by Brittany Pickrem | Nov 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
I’m curled up on my couch on this cold and sunny November morning with a big cup of green tea while reminiscing about my experience at BlogJam 2018, which I’m super excited to share with you. Although it was only my second year attending, I felt like I was at...
by Brittany Pickrem | Apr 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
In celebration of a new season and a new quarter ahead, I’ve written this article with the intention to offer a fresh perspective on how to approach your visual brand. When I think of Spring, I think of rebirth, growth and blossoming. Your visual brand, like the...
by Crystal Picard | Aug 2, 2017 | Behind the Design
Halifax Jazzfest: Atlantic Canada’s Oldest Jazz Festival This past Spring I had the honour of designing the main promotional image for the 30th Annual Halifax Jazzfest festival. It felt so rewarding to have the opportunity to design for such a well-known and...