Level Up Your Online Brand

Level Up Your Online Brand

As brand expert, and business owner, I’m always thinking about branding, and how it can best serve and support businesses, especially during extraordinary times. Now, I know what you might be thinking. “C’mon Brittany. I just want to bake some bread, learn a...
BlogJam 2018 Recap

BlogJam 2018 Recap

I’m curled up on my couch on this cold and sunny November morning with a big cup of green tea while reminiscing about my experience at BlogJam 2018, which I’m super excited to share with you. Although it was only my second year attending, I felt like I was at...
Position is Power: Boost Your Visual Brand

Position is Power: Boost Your Visual Brand

In celebration of a new season and a new quarter ahead, I’ve written this article with the intention to offer a fresh perspective on how to approach your visual brand. When I think of Spring, I think of rebirth, growth and blossoming. Your visual brand, like the...

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