


Friday July 13, 6pm – 7:30pm

  • Break Free: Get direction on whatever has been keeping
    your brand stuck and stagnant
  • Blow Up: Get ideas on how to powerfully position
    your brand as the industry leader you are.
  • BOOM! Wardrobe styling insights & tips that will
    help you to show up confidently

5 lucky applicants will be selected for LIVE hot seat coaching on their
burning brand question with me during this session

Bombshell Branding Hot Seat Sessions are designed for solopreneurs, online biz owners, and anyone who is:

  1. Willing to push past their comfort zone, into their growth zone
  2. Would like support with taking the next step with their brand
  3. Wants to elevate their in-person, and online brand presence
    & authority
  4. Wishes to become THE go-to expert in their industry
  5. Looking to connect with like-minded brand creators and business owners

How a Bombshell Branding Session Works:

Step 1: After you hit the ‘sign-up’ button, you’ll fill out a form to submit your burning brand question for the upcoming on hot on June X, 2021

Step 2: I’ll select 5 submissions for hot seat coaching, feedback, and support, that we’ll discuss LIVE during the session (if you aren’t selected not to worry!) These hot seat sessions are designed to

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:


What can you expect from a bombshell branding session?

1. 90 minutes of hot seat coaching + q&a

Along with myself (Brittany Pickrem) and a community of passionate brand creators and business owners

3. Unlimited Insights + ‘Ah-ha’ Moments

Whether you’re in the hot-seat, or simply following along you’re guaranteed to walk away with greater clarity on your next, brand-building step.

2. 5 (15 minute) deep-dive, hot seat sessions

5 applicants will be selected for 15 minute LIVE hot seat coaching with me, on their burning brand questions. These questions can be anything that you feel will bring your brand to their next level. Whether it’s about wardrobe, visual branding, or feedback on their next program, service, or product offer or idea.

4. Practical, no-nonsense problem-solving

Clarity cures confusion. You can expect nothing but direct feedback on any of yourquestions during this session.

What to Bring to a Bombshell Branding Hot Seat Session:

  • bullet point one
  • bullet point two
  • bullet point three
  • bullet point four
  • bullet point five




What NOT to Bring to a Bombshell Branding Hot Seat Session:

  • bullet point one
  • bullet point two
  • bullet point three
  • bullet point four
  • bullet point five




Heading goes here

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Egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod. Duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. Volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur.

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